Tuesday, 18 November 2014

The Fourth Day At School >*

There are many areas in the class. The book area there are 4 student sit together and read the story or talk for other what they say in the book. In the listening area the student sit in the carpet to listen for the teacher or the learning songs. On the math area the student playing with cubes or writing numbers with upward or downward. In the corner there are three students are playing train. The role of the class student ' eyes looking ears listening good sitting lips closed ready for learning. Also in class there are bathroom and many cupboards. Also , there are a corner to put any activities the student did before. There are for all students file for her work or activities.

1 comment:

  1. Good Anoud, you describe all the sections of the class and what the children can do there. Check your English, so you punctuate your sentences.
